Space sponsorship

Call to action


Pokka opens up a call for space users that are preparing or implementing projects that promote the accessibility of art, inclusion in art or cultural well-being. The application period is from 3rd of July to 31th of July 2024. The selections will be made in the beginning of August and the selected ones will be notified to the email address they provide.


Applications will be submitted to the producer email Päivikki will anonymize the applications and then submit them to the selection team. The selection team consists of at least two members of Pokka, the producer does not participate in the selection team. You can ask questions about the application until 14th of July and the answers will be delivered latest on 16th of July. There is no need for a CV or other evidence of previous work. You can submit your application in Finnish or in English.


1-5 projects can be selected, depending on applications and the nature of the projects. The possible operating time in the space will be from August to the end of 2024. The projects have a total of about 26 hours per month to split, emphasizing day times. The project does not have to endure the entire time frame from August to December. You can apply as an individual or as a team. The team must have a coordinator who handles communications with Pokka.


In the application, describe the nature of the project, its duration and the need for space, and how it promotes the accessibility of art, inclusion in art or cultural well-being. The project may be new or already started. Projects that are at stake without a place to practice or perform are at priority. If the project includes an open public event which takes place at Keltainen talo,  it is considered an advantage to the applicant.


Keltainen talo is located in Joensuu, Sairaalakatu 8. In the space, applicants have access to the training hall. The space is not accessible.


Enabled with a subsidy from Taike.

Questions and applications:

Päivikki Jaakkonen